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We believe in a healthy with our customers and we will always work towards benefit of our customers. Our main motive is to keep our customers at the safest position throughout their relationship with our company. Unlike other company, we do not want our customers to fight for their money if they don’t like the services. We are happy to refund the money if you donot get results in 6 months of the subscription.

  • Subscription amount will be credit same account in next 7 – 14 working days.
  • If you do not get your listing online within the promised time frame, you can simple give us a call and ask for a refund. Usually listing gets online within 48 hours and 90% times we fulfill the promise but sometimes due to heavy listings, we might not be able to do it but in these cases, we are happy to refund the money if customer do not want to wait for another 24 hours.
  • If you were committed something by our sales representative and you did not get that feature with your listing, you can simply call us, we will try to honor the promise and add the feature right away. However ,If on this ground you want your money back because you feel you were misrepresented we will be happy to refund you the subscription amount.
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